Machinefabriek Boessenkool is active in the Oil & Gas market, both On-shore, Off-shore & Deep Sea.
We produce both complete devices and assembled systems as well as individual parts. This includes Piping, Subsea Xmas Trees, Chainstoppers, Uni-Joints, Electrical Swivels, Utility Swivels, Production Swivels, Bouy Swivels, (heavy) Skids, Platforms, Pressure Vessels, Connection Pieces, Transition Pieces, Lifting Equipment, Booms, Crane Blocks and Hooks, Drums for winches, Frames, Hydraulic Cylinders, etc.
We can carry out the entire process for you in-house, from project management, purchasing materials, assembling, certified welding (IWT in-house), welding research sheet metal, post-processing by means of machining to assembling and testing. We can also perform many tests in-house, from pressure tests up to 1000 bar, load tests and tensile tests up to 1500 tons, to rotation tests under pressure with torque measurements.
Products and Equipment up to 120 tons per piece, assemblies can be heavier and dimensions up to 45 x 12 x 8 meters.
All products are supplied with full traceability to the smelters, if desired fully 3.2 certified and verified and witnessed by an inspection body during the production of your components.
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one of our specialists
In our more than 120 years we have always existed co-creation the best solutions for everyone issue found.
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